On the eve of the July 4, I offer you a new perspective. Yes, this is the holiday that we celebrate our independence from the British, but that doesn’t really resonate with me. For many years I have looked at the Fourth of July as a reset button for the year. I review all that I expected to do or implement for the year and give myself a second chance at reaching my goals.
Many people set unrealistic expectations that are forgotten by mid-February. With the summer in full swing, I find it’s a great time to look back over the last 6 months and celebrate what I did take on successfully and also, at what didn’t happen.
For example, I had an unusually busy spring with larger projects that allowed me to hit my financial goals easily. I’ve traveled to Sedona, had a personal retreat in the country and most recently returned from a delightful trip to Portugal. On the flip side, I expected to complete my upcoming book early this year. My workload became such that it wasn’t possible to work effectively with my clients and still make time for the editing process. I’ve always been hard on myself about not doing enough and I’m loosening that grip a bit without completely going into sloth mode.
When I connect with WHY I had success in certain areas, I can then see how that information can be used to motivate the me where I didn’t. My choosing that travel be an important factor of my life allowed travel opportunities to show up. I didn’t seek any of them out. My choosing to have an abundance of clients brought them to me. In terms of my book, I learned a lot from my clients that reminded me of the important information I had left out. I can see the positive benefits of not rushing this process without beating myself up.
I hope you are enjoying this brief vacation connecting with family and friends. If you can take some time to yourself, celebrate your victories of the past 6 months. Really appreciate all that you have accomplished. Then look at what you had hoped for this year, find your why and share with us! It’s not too late to achieve all that you want this year.