If At First You Don’t Succeed . . .
Many times I hear from my clients that getting organized doesn’t work or they tried and it was a mess. This is because they approach being organized like there is a right and wrong way to do it. Like many things in life, this is not a black and white situation. The many shades of gray can be intimidating, especially for those who like to do things correctly.
While I can be put in the camp of always wanting to do things “the right way”, for some reason, with creating order, I open up my mind to various scenarios. When one attempt doesn’t work out, we just try other way. I have to work hard to stop thinking “how could this be better?” once I have an area organized, because there is always another way to solve what’s needed.
I had to remind myself of this on Sunday, after the Overcome Clutter by Changing Your Beliefs webinar ended and we realized that it wasn’t recorded. I know I promised many of you the replay if you signed up and I apologize for that mishap. It felt like a really big deal, but then I thought, things happen for a reason and maybe there is more for me to share.
What I have decided to do is run this FREE webinar again, this Sunday, May 5 at 11am. This should be early enough for those who want to get their Cinco de Mayo on after. I hope you will join me live as I love being able to answer your questions live. It gives others not only the perspective that they are not alone in their struggle, but it also helps me share the information on a more personal level, and that’s where the real learning is.
If you signed up for the last one, you will automatically receive the reminder email on Sunday with the link to join. If you haven’t signed up, the link is here.
I look forward to the encore on Sunday and hope to see you then!